When we posted about the launch of the Archos G9 Turbo, we mentioned that Archos was aiming for a Q1 2012 release date for the G9's Ice Cream Sandwich update. Since then, Archos showed off a preview of the update, with an unfinished build of Android 4.0.1 running on the OMAP4-based G9. It's worth noting here that OMAP4 was the launch platform silicon for Ice Cream Sandwich, underpinning the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, so it should be relatively easy to port it to the G9. Given that, it's easy to believe that Archos will hit its release target.

The preview build shown off in the video appears to be pretty far along, with the OS seeming like it works quite well for an early build. Scrolling and animations look relatively smooth, and hardware acceleration is supported at least in part. Features that still need to be completed include support for GPU-accelerated video decode, support for Samba and UPnP, support for the external 3G module, as well as the rest of the optimizations that Archos provides on its devices.

Source: Archos, ARMDevices

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  • kingpotnoodle - Monday, December 12, 2011 - link

    I have a G9, and it's a good little tablet for the price, I like the lightweight and the screen size is just right for the train. It's got a few sluggish things/moments though so an ICS update will hopefully make it even better value.

    Well done Archos.
  • melgross - Monday, December 12, 2011 - link

    I don't completely understand what's not working. Is ICS not yet finished, or is the device not finished, or both? I would have thought that by now ICs would have had its optimizations done since the phone is here. Or are these optimizations not being used for the phone, but are being used for tablets?
  • VivekGowri - Monday, December 12, 2011 - link

    The G9 has been on the market in the Eu for some time now and recently launched in the US, but the ICS port to the G9 is as yet unfinished. Every manufacturer has its own set of device-level optimizations, Archos isn't done building them into their G9 ROM.
  • Black1969ta - Monday, December 12, 2011 - link

    If enough of us complain about this kinda of crap, will they finally get with the times and install some kind of spam blocker, or at least a way for us to report and have these people banned from the site.

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