So you read our TouchWiz UX Review and thought, "I'll pass on this one." Well, think it over one more time. When Anand discovered that Sammy's LTE Tab was blessed with updated graphics drivers that brought it much improved performance we wondered whether the WiFi editions would be similarly blessed. We tested our Google I/O Limited Edition Tab first, and came up empty. But our updated review sample actually showed the same performance jump as the LTE edition. Not sure why LE owners are left in the cold, but retail Tab owners should take notice, NVIDIA's Tegra 2 GPU has never looked so good. We're reaching out to Google for comment, in the meanwhile, Tab LE owners, let us know what you're performance has been like.

GLBenchmark 2.0 Egypt

GLBenchmark 2.0 PRO

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  • sciwizam - Monday, August 22, 2011 - link

    Is this legit performance increase or is it Nvidia tweaking it's drivers to optimize for the benchmarks?
  • yellowchilli - Tuesday, August 23, 2011 - link

    i myself came from 3.0 to 3.2 on the Transformer.
    in the beginning the framerate was so horrible in the Homescreen I almost immediately returned it. but having some faith in tegra, i held onto it. now on 3.2, the UI is buttery smooth at stock speeds (no overclock)
    If those Egypt numbers applies to the Homescreen UI (as well) I'd say those are accurate.
  • JasonInofuentes - Saturday, August 27, 2011 - link

    This is harder to determine. If games start including framerates or some sort of demo mode then we might be able to do some real world graphics tests. But, unlike the PC GPU market, the market for these devices is driven more by marketing than by performance reviews, so there really isn't a lot of benefit to NVIDIA investing time in the sorts of driver tweaks they've done in the past. Thanks for the comment.
  • vision33r - Monday, August 22, 2011 - link

    Those numbers are just that, numbers. I know for sure it still can't render 1080p videos without choppiness.
  • MattCoz - Tuesday, August 23, 2011 - link

    Those apples are just that, apples. I know for sure they aren't oranges.
  • JasonInofuentes - Saturday, August 27, 2011 - link

  • insurgent - Wednesday, August 24, 2011 - link

    Why would you want to watch 1080p on a 1280x800 screen anyway? The whiners are just that, whiners.

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