HTPC Credentials

The 2022 Q4 update to our system reviews brings an updated HTPC evaluation suite for systems. After doing away with the evaluation of display refresh rate stability and Netflix streaming evaluation, the local media playback configurations have also seen a revamp. This section details each of the workloads processed on the Beelink GTR7 as part of the HTPC suite.

YouTube Streaming Efficiency

YouTube continues to remain one of the top OTT platforms, primarily due to its free ad-supported tier. Our HTPC test suite update retains YouTube streaming efficiency evaluation as a metric of OTT support in different systems. Mystery Box's Peru 8K HDR 60FPS video is the chosen test sample. On PCs running Windows, it is recommended that HDR streaming videos be viewed using the Microsoft Edge browser after putting the desktop in HDR mode.

YouTube Streaming Statistics

The GPU in Beelink GTR7 supports hardware decoding of VP9 Profile 2, and we see the stream encoded with that codec being played back. The streaming is perfect, thanks to the powerful GPU and hardware decoding support - the dropped frames observed in the statistics below are due to mouse clicks involved in bringing up the overlay.

The streaming efficiency-related aspects such as GPU usage and at-wall power consumption are also graphed below.


The NUC BOX-1360P/D5 RPL-P system is the most energy efficient of the tested lot by a huge margin, but the Phoenix and Rembrandt systems (GTR7 and GEEKOM AS 6) slot in right behind.

Hardware-Accelerated Encoding and Decoding

The transcoding benchmarks in the systems performance section presented results from evaluating the VCE encoder within Handbrake's framework. The capabilities of the decoder engine are brought out by DXVAChecker.

Video Decoding Hardware Acceleration in Beelink GTR7

On paper, this codec list is quite comprehensive and should cover most home consumer and digital signage requirements

Local Media Playback

Evaluation of local media playback and video processing is done by playing back files encompassing a range of relevant codecs, containers, resolutions, and frame rates. A note of the efficiency is also made by tracking GPU usage and power consumption of the system at the wall. Users have their own preference for the playback software / decoder / renderer, and our aim is to have numbers representative of commonly encountered scenarios. Our Q4 2022 test suite update replaces MPC-HC (in LAV filters / madVR modes) with mpv. In addition to being cross-platform and open-source, the player allows easy control via the command-line to enable different shader-based post-processing algorithms. From a benchmarking perspective, the more attractive aspect is the real-time reporting of dropped frames in an easily parseable manner. The players / configurations considered in this subsection include:

  • VLC 3.0.18
  • Kodi 20.2
  • mpv 0.35.1 (hwdec auto, vo=gpu-next)
  • mpv 0.35.1 (hwdec auto, vo=gpu-next, profile=gpu-hq)

Fourteen test streams (each of 90s duration) were played back from the local disk with an interval of 30 seconds in-between. Various metrics including GPU usage, at-wall power consumption, and total energy consumption were recorded during the course of this playback.

All our playback tests were done with the desktop HDR setting turned on. It is possible for certain system configurations to automatically turn on/off the HDR capabilities prior to the playback of a HDR video, but, we didn't take advantage of that in our testing.

The GTR7 turns out to be the most energy efficient of all the compared AMD systems. All codecs play back well, except for the AV1 clip. VLC doesn't take advantage of the GPU hardware decoding capabilities for that codec.

The GTR7 continues to impress with energy efficiency for Kodi playback also. Like with VLC, AV1 hardware acceleration is again unused. Since the Kodi GUI is kept active at the main screen between the playback of different streams, the GPU remains active and continues to render the UI. This results in the energy numbers creeping up when the full playback period is considered.

AV1 decode acceleration is utilized by mpv, contributing to the excellent energy efficiency numbers. Unlike our experience with a previous driver release in the Rembrandt-based systems, playback is perfect without any dropped frames./p>

Setting the playback profile to 'gpu-hq' results in a lot more work for the shaders. We find that the 8Kp60 AV1 clip decode and presentation is not able to keep up with the real-time requirements because of the extra loading. This results in choppy playback as almost half the frames (2632 out of 5388) are dropped prior to presentation.

Compared to the default playback profile, the energy consumption numbers are slightly higher for this workload set because of the added shader work and extra GPU loading.

System Performance: Multi-Tasking Power Consumption and Thermal Characteristics
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  • lemurbutton - Thursday, August 24, 2023 - link

    You can get a M2 Mini for $499 on sale. It's superior to this in just about every way. Even if you upgrade the RAM for $200, it's still better than this. Faster CPU, faster GPU, has AI inference, faster RAM, significantly lower power requirements.
  • meacupla - Thursday, August 24, 2023 - link

    Well, yeah, obviously the $499 M2 mini is cheaper.
    It's a weaker PC than this, in every single metric.
    It only has 8GB of RAM, 128GB SSD, both of which cannot be upgraded later on.
    It's CPU and GPU are weaker than a 7840HS. To top it off M2 runs less efficiently and hotter.

    Which is exactly why no one is buying it, and Apple had to halt M2 production.
  • ingwe - Thursday, August 24, 2023 - link

    The mac mini has a 256GB SSD. Probably doesn't really need the ram upgrade. But...upgrading the SSD to 1 TB is $400. And not sure what you are saying about the M2 running less efficiently. Mac Mini is a fine option imo. But I would much rather have the GTR7 for a lot of reasons. Would be great for a streaming PC and console replacement for older games.
  • PixyMisa - Thursday, August 24, 2023 - link

    You can buy two 4TB SSDs for $400.
  • Benjiro29 - Monday, November 6, 2023 - link

    Hell, you can buy:

    * 8TB SSD for 320 Euro now. Or 2 * NVME for 320. Apple asks for 256GB "upgrade": 230 Euro
    * 8GB DDR5 5600 Memory costs for 25 Euro. Apple asks for 8GB "upgrade: 230 Euro.

    Insane ...that memory that Apple uses is just standard DDR5 memory, nothing special about it beyond being placed in quad channel configuration.
  • qwertymac93 - Thursday, August 24, 2023 - link

    Does it run Windows 11 pro?
  • bji - Thursday, August 24, 2023 - link

    Why in the world would anyone *want to* though?
  • TheinsanegamerN - Thursday, August 24, 2023 - link

    Point taken, but so long as apple keeps doing its walled garden BS people will continue to rely on other OSes.
  • ActionJ26 - Friday, August 25, 2023 - link

    Why would anyone want to use iOS. My last company did and compared to Windows it is trash. Never thought I would say that. Some much of the functionality requires store bought add ones.
  • darkswordsman17 - Friday, August 25, 2023 - link

    Er, Mac Mini runs MacOS, not iOS.

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