
We expected the installation of our test bed to take about 15-20 minutes, since we had to use screws to mount each piece of hardware, but how long does it really take to turn a screwdriver a few times, right?

Click to enlarge.

Total time for installation took no more than about 10-15 minutes, even with two optical drives added. Installation of components was pretty straight forward and since we knew what went where, it made every aspect of the installation that much easier.

Click to enlarge.

Sometimes, though, there are parts of a case where we might have trouble installing a particular part. For example, the expansion card slots may be a bit tight and sometimes slightly off center in order to install a card perfectly without a hitch, and hten we would have to force the card down. This could damage the card, or worse, the motherboard.

Motherboard Tray Benchmarking - Thermal
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  • EddNog - Saturday, October 16, 2004 - link

    AnandTech: reviewing the products of lesser case makers everywhere--the, "Robin Hood," of major PC hardware sites that happen to review system enclosures.
  • Da3dalus - Saturday, October 16, 2004 - link


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