
We have grown so accustomed to aluminum cases that we tend to despise the worst aspects of steel cases. Many times, we have learned the hard way that steel can be a burden, especially when working with cases on a day-to-day basis.

Our one test that shows how well the case has been constructed is the old "feel around" method. We confidently and courageously stick our hands inside the case and feel around every crevice and edge to see if there are any sharp edges where the steel has been cut. Unfortunately, the Sidewinder had many of these sharp edges all throughout the chassis. They weren't so bad that it would break skin, but if a wire were to snag on an edge, some very bad things could happen.

We also noticed when we first opened the box that the plastic bezel had broken on the right side. The damage was irreversible, but the show had to go on! A little superglue did the job of fixing it up.

Cooling Expansion
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  • EddNog - Saturday, October 16, 2004 - link

    AnandTech: reviewing the products of lesser case makers everywhere--the, "Robin Hood," of major PC hardware sites that happen to review system enclosures.
  • Da3dalus - Saturday, October 16, 2004 - link


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