Benchmarking - Sound

The other performance meter when it comes to cases is noise levels. We measure the noise level of the Sidewinder 12" away from the closed chassis with the power supply and CPU heat ink fans turned off. Take a look at our results.

Sound Benchmarks

MGE's Sidewinder performed well for having triple 80mm fans. By adding more fans, though, we expect this chassis to produce sound levels upward into the 50-60dBA range unless higher quality fans are installed.

Benchmarking - Thermal Final Thought
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  • EddNog - Saturday, October 16, 2004 - link

    AnandTech: reviewing the products of lesser case makers everywhere--the, "Robin Hood," of major PC hardware sites that happen to review system enclosures.
  • Da3dalus - Saturday, October 16, 2004 - link


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