Benchmarking - Sound

The other performance meter that we consider when it comes to cases is noise levels. We measured the noise level of the D.Vine 4 12" away from the closed chassis with the power supply fan turned off. Take a look at our results.

Sound Benchmarks

With dual 60mm fans, the D.Vine 4 was an ultra quiet system. Too bad the included fans could not accommodate the heat dissipation from the systems components that ran, on average, about 5-6 degrees warmer than any of the mid-tower cases that we have looked at. This being an HTPC case, we would hope other HTPC products to perform much better and have more efficient cooling systems.

Benchmarking - Thermal Final Thought
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  • Zim - Sunday, October 10, 2004 - link

    You don't need to spend $300 on a HTPC case. Just get yourself a nice desktop or mini-tower AT case for $100 or less. Personally I built my HTPC for about $400 using spare bits and pieces and some kit from NewEgg.

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