Extra Features

Many manufacturers will add uneccessary features that take away from the home theater experience more than add to it. As we mentioned before, we should try to stay away from excessive modding such as lighting to help keep the HTPC low key in our home theater setup.

One feature that Ahanix has done an extremely good job with in their design is their Vacuum Florescent Display (VFD). Since the D.Vine 3, they have included this 2 line x 16 character display to help the media center experience. With Ahanix's downloadable software, the VFD can be programmed to display various pieces of information such as component temperatures (using MBM 5.1) as well as ID3 tags from Winamp, and even an email notification. This full-featured display offers much more than any other product on the market, which sets it apart from the rest.

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Another feature that Ahanix has managed to implement, and others should follow suit, is the IrDA transceiver. No HTPC is complete without the ability to control the system remotely, especially if media center software is to be installed.

As we continue our search for the best HTPC cases, we will look at each product's features to find the most significant features that make each case stand out.

Construction Installation
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  • jeffyjones - Monday, October 11, 2004 - link

    I have the D5 case, and I love how it looks. The display is kind of useless, and I hate the cheap punch-out slot covers, but it looks fabulous from the front.
  • PuravSanghani - Monday, October 11, 2004 - link

    #9: This article was actually meant to be an introduction to the HTPC case genre, as the title states, and not really a full blown review. We chose the D.Vine 4 because, well, we needed to start somewhere and rest assured, we will have newer HTPC cases to review in the future!
  • pmark - Monday, October 11, 2004 - link

    Why did you choose to review this one when it seems that Ahanix has newer verisons of the case out?
  • maxdido - Monday, October 11, 2004 - link

    perhaps a stupid question but i'm new to htpc.
    how do you control this thing. is there a remote?
    or do you have to buy one?
  • tis66 - Monday, October 11, 2004 - link

    Just a suggestion:

    it'd be nice 2 include some pictures to see the actual cabling, speakers setup, and how the HTPC fit in with other AV equipments in a living room, just to give a clearer view of its usefulness.
  • zagaroth - Sunday, October 10, 2004 - link

    I still think the way to go for a really nice look is to get something along the lines of http://www.mini-itx.com/store/default.asp?c=3 for a nice slimline case and then use MythTV. (i like the 'Travla C137 Mini-ITX Case - Black' It fits right in with my stuff.) Having a quite (or in some case's fanless) case with NO harddrive and a quite dvd drive beside the TV. Have it boot over the network from a grunty machine with 2-4 TV tuner cards in it in the basement where it can be as loud as you want makes for a nice setup. The only cables that end up going into it is a network cable a power cable and then the svideo-out and coax-digital audio out. I've found my EPIA-M10000 can be made passavely cooled and is gruntly enough to do want i want. Though if you were to buy one now you can get one of the MII or something which provide alot more power...
  • PuravSanghani - Sunday, October 10, 2004 - link

    ksherman: We didn't mean to sound like we were knocking it or anything. It is a well constructed case and this article was basically a starting point in our expansion towards a wider range of cases. As we look at more HTPC cases we will begin to see trends in results much like those in mid tower cases. But comparing cooling to mid tower cases should not be an issue as almost all of the medium sized mid tower cases match the size of Ahanix's HTPC chassis.

    TO summarize what we learned in HTPC cases there is a trade off between thermal and sound results; a cooler running system with larger or more fans, or a quieter system with the smaller, less powerful fans.
  • ksherman - Sunday, October 10, 2004 - link

    I think it rocks! Though I dont see why it was nocked on because it was about 5-6 degrees hotter than a good mid-tower case... It is really not that big of a difference, and at leasts its quiet.
  • Koing - Sunday, October 10, 2004 - link

    Ditto with Octunar99.

    When you spend upwards of £250 on a dam hifi stand you don't mind spending £200 on a pc case for your hifi rack.

    If you have invested quite a bit of money in to your kit you don't mind spending money on this.

    It looks nice.

  • Octunar99 - Sunday, October 10, 2004 - link

    I think the point is that no self respecting audiophile would have a regular PC in his/her audio rack or next to his/her TV/Home Theater.

    This really give you the ability to integrate a PC in your audio rack and have it look like it supposed to be there.

    Two thumbs up! I would like to a slim version however. My next audio rack will feature slim components to balance with my Plasma.

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