
Unlike Thermaltake's VM3000A, the V6000A is made completely of aluminum. With aluminum, there is less of a chance for sharp edges to occur during the cutting process, so it is a safer metal. The VM3000A had many sharp edges and would have been a huge problem if it had as many wires as the V6000A does. And just to make sure, Thermaltake has folded over many of the edges to increase safety.

Starting at the front of the case, the first door is made of a thicker aluminum, comparable to that of Lian Li's PC-6070. There is a key lock at the front to keep unwanted hands from accessing the drive bays.

Click to enlarge.

The case also has a lock for the left side panel, which is a 2-way dial behind the second front door. When in the lock position, the side panel cannot be removed no matter how hard the panel is pulled.

Click to enlarge.

The third feature of security is the chassis intrusion detection located at the back of the case for the left side panel. The black and yellow wires plug into a motherboard with the intrusion detection feature.

Case Fans Expansion
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  • Operandi - Thursday, July 22, 2004 - link

    I agree with the above comments, it's becoming pretty clear that this isn't the type of case your target audience is looking for.
  • skiboysteve - Thursday, July 22, 2004 - link

    "Our results show that the CPU was kept at a stable operating temperature, at 56.2 degrees, which is about 40 degrees Celsius below the Athlon 64 3200's maximum recommended operating temperature."

    "System On-Time CPU
    30 43.6"

  • skiboysteve - Thursday, July 22, 2004 - link

    i have the 3000a and I love it to death, although i have to agree, there are way too many wires. I did a great job hiding them though so the window looks good.
  • Pollock - Thursday, July 22, 2004 - link

    No, #1, check some of the previous case reviews here; there ARE uglier things. Several of them.
  • TrogdorJW - Thursday, July 22, 2004 - link

    I have to agree. Sure, it's big and roomy. It also scream, "I LOVE THERMALTAKE!" Personally, I would rather make a different kind of statement with my case.

    You know what someone needs to do? Create a case with pre-installed fans and wires, with a separate power unit (a very small one should suffice) to provide all of the fans and other devices with power. They could build the system with all the fans installed and still keep the majority of wires hidden away. And they should use 120mm fans spinning at lower RPMs. *That* would be something to spend $160 on!

    Spend $160 on this monstrosity? Ugh. If you need big, there are better options. If you want silent, there are MUCH better options. If you want bright lights and gawdy flash, however, this case fits the bill. I'm sure there are a bunch of teenagers out there that think this case looks totally l33t. They're welcome to it, I suppose.
  • JKing76 - Thursday, July 22, 2004 - link

    That is truely the ugliest thing I have ever seen.

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